Enrolment in the Faculty

Conditions of enrolment in the study programmes
Enrolment of students

Enrolment in the study programmes of Basic Academic Studies – Orthodox Theology (general course of study) and Theological-Pastoral Theology (practical course of study) is carried out based on a public call announced by the University of East Sarajevo. Number of places available for enrolment is suggested and determined by the Faculty of Orthodox Theology ”St Basil of Ostrog” in Foča, in accordance with the social and church requirements and the faculty’s own resources – spacial and teaching staff resources available.
Enrolment of students in the study programmes of Basic Academic Studies is carried out in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, Statute of University of East Sarajevo and Regulations on taking entrance examinations and enrolment in the study programmes, which are carried out at the Orthodox Faculty of Theology. Type and method of knowledge assessment, assessment of predispositions and abilities at the entrance examination fully correspond to the essence of the study programme. Enrolment in the basic studies is carried out every year in late June and the first days of July in the first deadline, and if needed, at the beginning of September in an additional deadine (application, written entrance examination and enrolment).

*********The right to apply is granted to those candidates who completed a four-year secondary school or graduated from faculty. Foreign citizens who completed secondary school abroad, but whose documents necessary for enrolment in the first deadline are not validated, can file an application in the additional deadline after validating their school certificates acquired in a foreign country.*********

Candidates are required to submit following documents:
– blessing of the ordinary bishop
– Secondary school diploma and certificates of all secondary school levels
– medical certificate that includes psychologist’s evaluation
– birth certificate
– certificate of citizenship
– baptismal certificate
– two photographs
– proof of entrance examination fee payment (bank account: 555-01020004157-84)

Based on the grade point average in secondary school, a candidate can obtain 50 points at the most. Entrance examination score is from 0 to 50 points. Selection is completed according to the set criteria and taking into accounts the unique rank order of all applicants.

Candidates can enrol as government-funded students if they are ranked within the number of students approved for government-funded studying (which is defined by this call for admission) and if they have obtained at the very least 51 points. Candidates can enrol as self-funded students if they are ranked within the number of students approved for self-funded studying (defined by this call for admission) and if they have obtained at the very least 30 points.

***Literature necessary for passing the entrance examination:

CATECHISM – prof. Zdravko Peno PhD
SERBIAN CHURCH IN HISTORY – Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Radomir Popović

*** literature  required for admission to the second cycle:


DOGMATIC TOPICS – Metropolitan of Pergamum Jovan Zizjulas

PASTORAL SERVICE – Archpriest dr. Ljubivoje Stojanovic


Students who are government-funded do not pay tuition. Their tuition is being payed by the Republic of Srpska. Tuition cost for students who pay it is defined by the decision of Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska based on the proposal of the Higher education institutions in accordance with the Law on Higher Education.



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